Candle Care

Here at Key Note Aromas we care about your safety! When it comes to candles, an open flame can be hazardous when not monitored properly. To make sure you burn your candles effectively and safely, please take a moment to read the guidelines below. 

Before Burning-

Prior to burning your candle, trim the wick at least 1/4 inch. This prevents uneven rapid burning, flaring and sooting. Burn 2-3 hours each time you light the candle. This will help the candle burn evenly and remember to trim the wick before each burn. 

While Burning-

Never leave a burning candle unattended. Never touch or move a burning candle. Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire. Keep candles out of reach of children and pets. Do not place lit candles where they can be knocked over. 

When lighting your soy candle for the first time, allow the wax to melt all the way to the sides of the container. This will take around 1-3 hours. If you blow a candle out prior to creating the complete liquid surface, this can create a memory ring that causes tunnel burning. Tunnel burning is when the candle will burn straight down, leaving wasted wax along the sides of the jar. 

When Extinguishing-

Do not use water to extinguish a candle, this can cause the hot wax to splatter and break the glass container. Before leaving the room, make sure your candle is completely out and there is no glow coming from the wick.

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